It's pretty obvious Fox News can't exist without GOP, as they feed off each other. But today, both seem to picked an opponent they don't realize they how much of a juggernaut will be... The mega-star Taylor Swift. Yes, that Swift.
I am NOT a Swiftie. I like her music well enough, but I liked a LOT of artists, and I have eclectic tastes in music, from speed metal to country, I listen to all sorts of stuff. But this is not about my tastes.
It's how Fox News (and presumably, GOP), turned on Swift... because she Instagram'ed at her followers to register to vote. Not for any party leaning, just "register to vote, and exercise your rights".
Now you're probably going: why would Fox/GOP be hostile to that? Turns out, younger voters tend to vote blue.
Now that Swift is dating Travis Kelce, Kelce, who was never political, was getting Fox pundit ill wishes such as "how will his heart break: by Swift, or the COVID vaccine". This is all well documented on X / Fox News.
Apparently, Swift, who's rich, has a rich family, and is lily white, is an enemy of Fox and GOP values because she tends to lean Democrat (for whatever her reasons are, not relevant) though has mostly remained neutral. And Kelce is getting ill wishes because he's close to Swift... collateral damage.
But has Fox / GOP bitten off more they can chew this time?