Thursday, November 18, 2021

COVIDiocy Visual Aid: How Game of Telephone Distorts True Science


The Science News Cycle: 
First, there was Science, which results in a paper with conclusion that... 
A is correlated with B (0.56 coefficient) given C, assuming D, under E conditions
Which was translated by Uni PR office "Scientists Find Potential Link between A and B"
Which was picked up by news organizations "A causes B, say Scientists"
Which was picked up on the Interwebs: "Scientists out to kill us"
Which was picked up on cable news "A causes B all the time"
Which was picked up by local news "A: Killer among us? Latest at 10"
Which is picked up by your grandma "I am wearing this to ward off A"
which leads to you facepalming yourself. 

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