Sunday, January 2, 2022

Anti-Mask COVIDiocy: "Unhinged" Antivaxxer Stormed NYC Burger King Protesting Mask Mandate

As reported on ComicSands, a group of antivaxxers and antimaskers stormed a Brooklyn, New York Burger King to protest New York State's new mask mandate. Most of them split when NYPD showed up, but some had to be ejected by NYPD from the premises of Burger King. However, that's nothing special. What's actually unhinged is one of the women antivaxxers tried to solicit a crowd reaction claiming that because Burger King is open to the public, they cannot be thrown out. 

Then she tried to argue with the police that Burger King is a private business. Her argument? "No it's not [a private business]. If it is, they ould do it [allow people to order food] by appointment only."


This sort of twisted logic was right out of the "Sovereign Citizen" manual. (In case you don't know, Sovereign citizen believe themselves not bound by the law you and I live by, and they have bizarro explanations for why that is so)

But really, picking a Burger King as your figurative "hill to die on"? 

You can see the jokes poured in fast and furious. "They did their own research on the law too, huh?" 

What else is interesting? One of the stormers was identified as Mitchell Bosch, who had instigated multiple incidents around New York at various restaurants including Cheesecake Factory and Applebees, and was definitely present at the January 6 Insurrection. 

So there's a professional agitator in the crowd who wants to overthrow the legitimate government. 

Any bets on FBI already have a file on him? No one? 

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