Thursday, February 4, 2021

Getting the COVID Vaccine: It ain't that easy

My dad is in his 70's and has COPD, so he's on the priority list. However, now that he got a notification, there are NO available vaccines in the entire city of San Francisco he can get. 

Basically, there are three primary vaccine sites in San Francisco: Safeway + SFSU (@ Safeway on Front street), UCSF + City College (@ City College), and Kaiser Permanente + SF City (@ Moscone). 

Tried all three, none are available for ANY appointments. 

What's worse, the City College site was a "drive-through" site, which means you MUST go with a car, or be prepared to make the rideshare driver sit for 15 minutes (which they may not want to). 

Also keep in mind that the advice is self-conflicting. Some sites are saying "contact your primary care physician", while other say "register at myturn website, and we'll tell you when". My dad got his notification, but there are no appointments available. 

But then, people have been crazy enough to get a COVID vaccine they spent thousands to fly to a remote village of indigenous people (who are getting priority shipments of vaccines) and impersonate such people. 

Other celebrities are getting vaccines by chartering private planes that flew them hundreds of miles out of their residence, esp. when in California vaccines are restricted only to health workers and over 65. Which lead to coining a new term: COVID tourism, and Florida seems to be the destination for such, where Mexican TV personality Juan Jose Origel and ex-Time Warner comm chief Richard Parsons  (both in their 70's) got their COVID vaccine shot in Florida. Parsons actually lives in California, and Origel flew to Miami from Mexico City for his shot. 

Doctors in California claimed that some rich people have offered them 10K, 20K, even 50K to get the vaccine shot. 

And let's just say when such news were made public, people were NOT happy. 

And such news is hardly unique to the Americas. There were loud protests in Europe when celebrities got them. 

So the frustration is universal. 

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