Friday, August 25, 2023

Banning Abortion Was Never About Protecting Babies, Part III

Back in May, I pointed out that rolling back Roe v. Wade was never about protecting the children, but about restricting female reproductive rights. 

Here's another data point you should consider if you think that's wasn't what it's about. 

Tell me, if protecting unborn babies are important, should domestic violence against pregnant woman get enhanced penalty? After all, it sounded like a no brainer. 

As it turns out, only 38 out of 50 states have "fetal homicide laws" which can often be used to protect the mother

However, in 10 of these 38 states, the law includes NO exemption for the women in regard to their own pregnancies, and thus, can be used AGAINST pregnant women in those states. Basically, in those states, pregnant women who lost their pregnancy CAN be charged for fetal homicide even though the cause for loss of pregnancy is undetermined. 

Frankly, for most of these laws, which includes language such as "from conception", "from fertilization", or from "implantation", they are written so broadly, it's possible a woman (and any medical professional who treated her) to be accused of fetal homicide, before she even realized she's pregnant! 

Instead of being used to protect the mother from abuse, these laws at the state level are used to define "fetal personhood" and such concepts to justify abortion bans in the red states. 

Laws that was supposed to protect women, turned to shackle women. 

That is the reality we are facing today. 

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