Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Uselessness of Coupons for the Average Joe

Do you have a LOT of spare cash and like to try out a LOT of of restaurants in your area, or even, around the country? If so, a coupon deal may be for you... which claimed to be $200 for $35. 

It's until you try to redeem it when you realize you CANNOT redeem it at a single restaurant on a single meal. Instead, it's designed to be spread out, a little here, a little there. 

For example, the $200 credit on (hereforth as just "R") stays in your wallet, then to redeem it, you find a local restaurant you want to try, and go into their page... Where you are told... Get $10 off for $5 (minimum purchase $35). This restaurant's entrees are in the $30 - 40 range, appetizers are in the $12-15 range. 

So after this meal, you actually spent probably closer to $50 at the restaurant, even with $10 off, (which is really $5 off, leaving you $195 in R eWallet). 

I seriously think it'll take you a whole YEAR to spend that "$200" value you got for $35. And it's so much trouble you probably just "forgot" to redeem most of it. 

Which is where they really make their money. 

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