Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Dating Locations: Interest and Stigma Axis Classification System

Some males are confused as to when and where to approach a potential date. I'll address the where in what I believe to be a fairly unique system, which I termed Interest and Stigma Axis Classification. It's a mouthful, but it's quite easy to visualize. 

Interest / Stigma forms orthogonal axes, and 4 quadrants

Places with high common interest would be like museums, bookstores, or other hobby-related events and locations, where you both go because of common interests. The existing commonalities makes it easier to connect. 

Places that everybody visits with no expectations and low risk of judgment, such as parks, coffee shops, and supermarkets are considered low stigma. However, with little commonality, it will take some effort to connect. 

Some locations are considered high stigma, such as family events, work places, or gyms, where flirting is often considered creepy or at least frowned upon. It will take some serious effort, such as repeated minimal friendly contact to build trust, before proper approach and shift of location be initiated. 

Best places to approach women are locations that are high common interest as well as low-stigma, such as specialty events, or unique travel destinations. 

Before you approach, you should prepare yourself with a visual cue by observing your target. You are trying to establish commonality, and one quick way is to emulate at least one visual aspect. Holding a camera? Wearing a similar themed T-shirt? Use that to start striking up a conversation. 

To keep it up, maintain proper posture, keep up the eye contact (but not in a creepy way), engage in light convo, to build trust. The rest, I leave up to you. 

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