Saturday, February 27, 2021

State of My Games (2020/02/27)

Plane Mechanic Simulator pretty much bored me, so I left it and didn't play it again. 

Did try Everspace, and it was not bad. Some of the interface does take a bit of getting used to, but every game is a little different, as things are randomly generated. That time pressure feeling is nice, as you can't always dawdle in the area. Will keep playing. 

Tried one game in Total Tank Simulator, which is like a parody version of World of Tanks where you setup two armies using X number of points, (from hyper-heavy down to infantry). Not sure if I want to try again. It's kinda underwhelming even in tutorial mode. I think it's because the game decided to flip on and/off no-harm mode even though it's a shooter. 

Started playing PC Building Simulator and couldn't stop, and ended up playing like 3-4 days straight. You play a guy who just took over your uncle's PC repair shop and if you do well you can buy out his stake in it. Had to learn the intricacies of the game, even though I am a computer engineer and probably knew PCs better than most. :D  

Tried the demo "WH40K Dakka Squadron" where you pilot an Ork fighter and fight other Orks. I didn't like the gamepad interface, and IMHO, it's a bit difficult. 

Tried Mindustry, where Factorio (factory assembly line) meets tower defense. You are one ship dropped onto an alien planet with just one home hub. You need to setup mines to get yourself more resources to build things, setup defenses to protect your area from enemy attack waves, and so on. It gets a lot more complicated due to multiple types of resources, processing plants to convert them, and expanding tech tree that you need to unlock by making new materials. It's complicated, and it's interesting, if a bit exasperating due to lack of a good tutorial mode. 

Playing Battlevoid Harbinger, a rogue-lite in space where you, commanding your warship, needs to travel the local cluster of systems, survive, destroy enemy bases, help local bases with their missions, and generally, destroy an alien mothership or base in the area. But you can't do it immediately, as you need to build up your own ship, get 2 other companion ships, and improve your weapon loadout, by taking on enemies and getting loot and upgrade points. It's more difficult than it seems. 


What's next? Probably going back to PC Building Sim, Everspace, try the other Battlevoid game: Battlevoid Sector Siege, where you need to command your starbase and its defensive network against an invading horde of enemy ships. Between that, try some games I owned but never played, like Little Big Workshop, Automachef, and Angel Wings. 

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