Sunday, May 26, 2024

App Discovery: Obsidian may be the best Evernote alternative, with MUCH MUCH MORE POWER through community plug-ins

Obsidian and rings among rocks, via Unsplash

Obsidian started out simple: a way to link and hierarchically organize a bunch Markdown (.md) files which themselves can contain links to other Markdown files, photos, videos, URLs, and much more. However, with a bit of tweaking, it became a full notetaking and note organizing app. And with additional of graph view, it became a visual tool as well, that lead many thinkers calling it "building your second brain". 

And it's free. 

There are two features that the company charge for, such as Obsidian Sync, and Obsidian Publish, but as a personal user, you don't need those features. Sync lets you clone your entire "vault" of Markdown notes and replicate it to other devices such as those of your collaboration team mates with full Git integration, while Publish turns, with a few tweaks, your vault into a public Wiki or Knowledge base, that you can edit on the fly. Personal uesrs don't need these. These are really for companies, which can also purchase at the cost of $50 per year per user, commercial license to receive priority support. But remember, personal use is free, forever. 

And it accepts "Community Plug-ins", developed by the Obsidian community that turns Obsidian into a Kanban board, adds omni-search across entire vault, enhances editing capabilities, quick citing of Wikipedia, and much much more. 

There is a way to migrate data from Evernote to Obsidian, but it's not a quick process, as you need to re-tag and re-arrange almost everything. But once you do, you'll find yourself wondering why you waited so long to do it. 

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