Monday, January 17, 2022

Astroturfing COVIDiocy: Seems Antivaxxers Submitted 23410 FAKE cases of Myocarditis from COVID vaccines in kids to VAERS

As of December 31st, 2021, there were supposedly 23713 reports of myocarditis in children / young adult after Pfizer vaccines were reported to VAERS. It's interesting that in a majority of cases, no race or ethnicity was listed. 

So a team of pediatricians both in and out of CDC checked every single case. 

Turns out only 303 are real (265 12-15yr old) out of over 27 MILLION doses given out to those age groups during that time. 

Basically, there is no risk at all. Myocarditis occurs at or above this rate without COVID or vaccination. 

You can read their report here:

Which sort of begs the question... who, besides anti-vaxxers, have time to flood VAERS with 23410 FAKE reports of myocarditis in kids as a side effect of COVID vaccine? 

And did they really think that real doctors would not want to follow up, if there are indeed that many reported problems? 

Who did they think they were fooling? 

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