Sunday, January 23, 2022

School Meeting COVIDiocy: Viriginia Woman Threatened to "bring every single gun loaded and ready" To School Over Mask Mandate

While knowing she was being recorded, Amelia King, in front of Luray, Virginia school board told everyone that she would "bring every single gun loaded and ready" on Monday with her maskless child. Then she was cut off as her 3 minutes were up. She left with "I will see you all Monday". 

As you can guess, she's upset that the school would DARE mandate that everyone mask up. But threaten to bring guns, really? 


Police did not think this was a joke. Local police charged her with making an oral threat on school property, and Ms. King was released on $5000 bond. According to the police chief, she was remorseful as she realized what she had said after leaving and was very apologetic. 

Police, with help of county Sheriff's Office, will provide extra patrols for the schools coming Monday, as a precaution. 

The situation is NOT helped by Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin, who had issued an executive order ("executive order number two") on his first day in office, supposedly giving parents the authority to ignore school mask mandates, and it will go into effect on January 24th. 

But many schools and school districts said they are NOT going to accept any opt-outs by parents. They claim that state law (Virginia Senate Bill 1303) says they have to follow CDC guidelines, and CDC guidelines say indoor masking should be done. And thus, the governor has no power to order them to ignore state law. 

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