Wednesday, January 26, 2022

School COVIDiocy: Are School Reopening Based on Garbage Data Entered By Antivaxxers?

School opening, mask mandate in schools, and vaccine mandate are the current hot topics, and while the path forward is obvious: mask those who can't get vaccinated yet, and vaccinate everyone who can be vaccinated like we did for most childhood diseases, many states are attempting to OUTLAWING vaccine mandates... Even for schools

Then there are parents who complain... It's easier to show you the tweet.  

Translation: How DARE you care about your children's symptoms and care about your community and report possible signs of COVID! My going back to work is more important than the community! It's must be the mild sniffles even though I've never seen your child and I'm definitely not a doctor! 

So who'd advocate for going back to school? One Dr. Tracy Hoeg, who sometimes presents herself as a researcher at UC Davis. She claims that COVID vaccines actually hurt more kids than it helped due to myocarditis side effect with a paper written back in 2021. 

Unfortunately, the paper is a demonstration of VAERS dumpster diving which we've previously discussed. it's so bad, I'm going to let SkepticalRaptor explain it in more detail than I could. 

It should also be noted that Dr. Tracy Hoeg has done no work in epidemiology UNTIL COVID, despite a PhD degree in epidemiology from the University of Copenhagen. Her residency is in sports medicine and physical therapy. 

This is a clarification from the UC Davis PA office:

Please keep in mind that VAERS is not the only system monitoring vaccine safety. As pointed out by SkepticalRaptor, VSD (vaccine safety datalink) did not show myocarditis incidence rates like VAERS. As an MD, surely Hoeg and her co-writers have access to VSD data. So why did they choose to cite VAERS alone, when they know the numbers in there cannot be relied upon for cause and effect? 

Some cherry-picking indeed. 

But there's something else you did not know. VAERS data was probably polluted by TENS OF THOUSANDS of false submissions. 

Yep, you read it right. Out of 23713 reports of myocarditis in kids, only 303 are real and verified. In later tweets, she replied that many of these reports did not even include proper information such as COVID symptoms, what grade is the child in, or what ethnicity the child is. 

We tried to ask Patti Cakes how did she know 6792 came from the same IP address, she later replied that Pfizer's IT team went through the log with CDC and determined that. Unfortunately, we have no log to inspect ourselves, but I don't really have any reason to doubt her. 

So basically, Hoeg was testifying to Congress something based on bogus information... entered by probably antivaxxers. (who else would make up myocarditis kids and submit them to VAERS?) Given that as an MD, she should know about double-checking VAERS unreliable data with VSD and other sources, one wonders whether she's complicit in the bogosity, or simply turning a blind eye and enjoying her time in the limelight. 

To put it frankly, it is VERY likely that any rationale to get kids back into school is based on flawed and bad data. 

And sending the children back WITHOUT masks or vaccine is frankly, gambling with public lives, betting "symptoms will be mild and manageable", never mind the Hippocratic Oath... "do no harm".

Don't be a COVIDiot... or worse, an entitled COVIDiot. 

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