Monday, September 27, 2021

COVIDiocy Denied: Dutch Boy Won Court Battle to Vaccinate Against Father's Wishes

 A 12-year old boy in the Dutch city of Groningen has won a court battle to get the COVID vaccine so he can visit his dying grandma, against his father's wishes. 

His grandma has end-stage lung cancer, and not getting the vaccine would prevent him from spending as much time as he can with grandma. 

The boy's parents are divorced. The mother is pro-vax, while the father is anti-vax, and cited various bogus reasons for not wanting the boy to be vaccinated, like "the vaccine is unproven" or "vaccine affects reproductive health". 

Dutch law states that if the parents do not agree, a judge can decide matters in the best interest of the child. 

And in this case, sanity prevailed, and COVIDiocy is stopped. 

Don't be a COVIDiot. Get #vaxxed. 

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