Thursday, September 30, 2021

Sad COVIDiocy: Irish Man Died From COVID After Antivaxxers Encouraged Him to Release Himself From Hospital

Irishman Joe McCarron, age 75, passed away at Letterkenny University Hospital on 24-SEP-2021 from COVID. He attracted media attention when a bunch of anti-medicine anti-vax pro-COVID protesters encouraged him to check himself out of the hospital on 12-SEP-2021, even though his doctors told him he needed treatment for his very serious COVID complications. 

Protesters heckled hospital staff both inside and outside the hospital, and convinced McCarron to leave the hospital, by telling him lies like "you'll die if you stay here" and "you don't need the ICU". He was released, despite pleas from his doctors, while yelled at by the protesters. 

A far-right protester Antonio Murredu, aka Antonion Graveliu, a Freeman, among the protesters, claimed "We are saving Joe's Life! Today is a winning day for Ireland!"  Murredu also thanked Dr Dolores Cahill, a famous Irish Antivaxxer, who was dismissed from her teaching position recently

McCarron was brought to a hospital a few days after his release and was immediately put on a ventilator. But despite best efforts, he expired. 

His family apologized to the hospital and slammed the "friends". 

Encouraging sick COVID patient to leave the hospital? Can they be charged with manslaughter? 

Don't be a COVIDiot or have COVIDiot friends. They can LITERALLY kill you with their "kindness". 

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