Sunday, September 26, 2021

COVIDiocy Turnaround: Epiphany for COVID Survivor Who Almost Killed His Mother With COVID

Unvaccinated COVID-denier and ex-councilor in Ireland Andrew Girvin caught COVID in August 2021 and so did 19 of his family members. Both he and his mother had to be put on ventilators. His survival was 50/50, according to doctors. And he was sure his mother caught the virus from him. 

Talking on BBC Radio Ulster, he recounted how his symptoms just got worse and worse and his wife had to call for an ambulance. He was wheeled out of the house on oxygen, barely able to move, and wondered if he will ever see his children again. 

He believes now EVERYONE should take the COVID vaccine. He had a lot of time reflecting on his actions and decisions, with both his and his mum's mortality in question. And he saw that his procrastination, and his trying to straddle both sides that lead to his present situation. And he's telling his story. If his story can save one life, that'd be worth it, even with any "hate that goes along with it". 

Don't be a COVIDiot like Andrew WAS. He learned his lesson, and it was a VERY harsh one, at great cost. 

And you can avoid paying that cost by getting #vaxxed now. Do it for your family and your children. 

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