Monday, September 13, 2021

More COVIDiocy: Simple Proof that Vaccination Stopped Outbreaks

Some antivax "scientists" are just kooky, because they are so convinced of their own righteousness, they no longer recognize that they're using truthiness, not truth (such as their training, actual scientific studies, and so on). And their uneducated followers? Even worse. 

One of the most uneducated opinions was published by a French virologist by the name of Luc Montagnier. He claimed the COVID "variants are the product of and result of the vaccination". He claimed that "breakthrough infections" are creating more dangerous COVID variants, and cited a mechanism called ADE. 

This is utter bullshit, as fact-checked by none other than Reuters itself. There has been NO documented case of ADE with COVID. NONE. With several million dead, and hundreds of millions of cases world-wide, and being studied by EVERY medical organization in the world, you'd think SOMEONE would have found a case of this happening since COVID vaccine was first administered. It has been MONTHS. 

In fact, EVERY delay in vaccine mandate or mask mandate is allowing the virus time to infect an unvaccinated person... and mutate. 

And the only way to stop it is to vaccinate everyone... until herd immunity threshold has been reached... or hope the victims die without infecting more people and still reach herd immunity (by reducing the herd)

Let's take a look at Samoa and the 2019 Measles Outbreak. The islands have a vaccination rate of about 35% before the crisis. The outbreak was detected in September 2019, and fully declared an outbreak in October 2019. In November the government declared a state of emergency and shut down EVERYTHING, including all schools and public meetings, made vaccination mandatory (yes, vaccine mandate!), and in December, declared a curfew, while vaccination teams go from door to door administering vaccines to practically EVERY one of the 200000+ residents in the islands. By year's end, it's estimated that 94% of the eligible population has been vaccinated, and the outbreak ended. 

The nearby islands such as Tonga and Fiji have all declared a state of emergency in 2019, but due to their own high vaccination rate, was not hit hard by the crisis. 

All in all, there were 79 deaths and 5520 cases due to measles, out of 200874 population in Samoa.  33% of cases required hospitalization. That number should be at most, a handful. Measles is a vaccine-preventable disease that we had prevented for decades.  

Why did Samoa's vaccination rate fell to 35%? Because in 2018, a nurse prepared the MMR vaccine wrong (instead of saline, she mixed the vaccine with expired anesthetic). Two children died. The mistakes were quickly identified, but anti-vax organizations touted this as proof of "harmful vaccine" and when the cause was identified, "cover-up for vaccine harm". During the 2019 outbreak, antivaxxers continued to spread misinformation, blaming the deaths on "malnutrition", or "vitamins deficiency", or even "immune deficiency". All of which are debunked, but the misinformation campaign was not stopped. The head antivaxxer declared on Facebook "I'll be here to mop up your mess" and "Enjoy your killing spree". Samoa government arrested the head antivaxxer in December 2019 for inciting against emergency government order. The head antivaxxer was later released on bail and eventually charges were dropped. 

Then 2020 came along, and now it is mainland US's turn. 21 months later, and we have lost 659K people due to COVID (as of 10-SEP-2021)  Sure, we had to start from ZERO, but we've had 9 MONTHS to vaccinate the nation to achieve herd immunity. We're not even close. As of mid-August, barely over half of Americans have had 2 shots. We don't know what the R number for COVID is, but we have to make the worst-case assumption: we need 90-95% vaccination like measles. 

Samoa's outbreak was stopped when the disinformation campaign stopped and the government made the harsh decision to close everything and instituted a vaccine mandate. Outbreak was contained in months. 

We are at 21 months and counting. Sure, we spent 12 months getting the vaccine ready, so let's just count 9 months. And we thought we turned the corner on COVID. 

But with the low as **** vaccination rate, vaccine hesitancy on the rise, the economy barely chugging, and antivaxxers spreading false treatments both in 2020 and 2021... and now the Delta Variant, and maybe the scary Mu variant... 

We are now WORSE than we were in 2020. In fact, US is now the MOST COVID INFECTED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!! Worse than Russia, India, Iran, China, Turkey, etc. ! 

This outbreak will end only one way: when it runs out of people to infect. Whether that's by death of said people... or by vaccination of the same people... is purely up to those people. 

Frankly, I'm ready for my third shot, when it's offered. 

And the rest of you who don't want it... 

Just don't infect the rest of us while you practice your "freedom". 

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