Sunday, September 19, 2021

COVIDiocy Denied: Even the Pope is Questioning Vaccine "Skeptics"

The Catholic Pope, aboard the Papal Plane, said "humanity has a history of friendship with vaccines", and questioned vaccine skeptics, according to AP. 

But vaccine "skeptics" will continue to use the excuse of "religious exemption" to try to get out of being vaccinated when their reasons are NOT religious at all, but anti-science. 

Most who claim religious exemption are lying, according to survey data. They do so because there are no consequences for doing so. People who claim religious exemption are never questioned, yet the vast majority of religious leaders support, or at least not oppose vaccination. 

So don't claim that your religion prevents you from vaccination. It's your personal belief that stopped you from vaccinating. And such beliefs are illogical and not based on facts. The benefits of vaccination far outweigh any risks that you can find. 

You only have yourself to blame for your selfishness. Admit it to yourself and the world instead of hiding behind your "religion". 

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